Providing full IT and Business services, encompassing web site design and business application development, integrated with full business and marketing strategies for any size company. Michigan, web design, designs, real estate, michiana, software development, business applications, kalamazoo, portage, USA, internet marketing, ecommerce, grand rapids, south bend, Chicago, Detroit, affordable, Elkhart, wireless, online marketing, multimedia, flash, animation, corporate web site development, wireless solutions, consulting, advice, consultant, Indiana, crm, hrs, analysis, store, search engine, customer support solutions, application, free, intranet development, customer relationship management, e-commerce, business services, web Site enhancement, web site promotion, our clients, 3D models, architecture, cd catalogs presentation, shop, solutions, graphics,
About US & Web Design Information Business Services Customer Support E-Commerce & Online Shopping Applications Site Map Jop Opportunities
Providing full IT and Business services, encompassing web site design and business application development, integrated with full business and marketing strategies for any size company.
Online Marketing: Michigan, web design, designs, real estate, michiana, software development, business applications, kalamazoo, portage, USA, internet marketing, ecommerce, grand rapids, south bend, Chicago, Detroit, affordable, Elkhart, wireless, ebic, online marketing, multimedia, flash, animation, corporate web site development, wireless solutions, consulting, advice, consultant, Indiana, crm, hrs, analysis, store, search engine, customer support solutions, application, free, intranet development, customer relationship management, e-commerce, business services, web Site enhancement, web site promotion, our clients, 3D models, architecture, cd catalogs presentation, shop, solutions, graphics,
Software Application Development: Michigan, web design, designs, real estate, michiana, software development, business applications, kalamazoo, portage, USA, internet marketing, ecommerce, grand rapids, south bend, Chicago, Detroit, affordable, Elkhart, wireless, ebic, online marketing, multimedia, flash, animation, corporate web site development, wireless solutions, consulting, advice, consultant, Indiana, crm, hrs, analysis, store, search engine, customer support solutions, application, free, intranet development, customer relationship management, e-commerce, business services, web Site enhancement, web site promotion, our clients, 3D models, architecture, cd catalogs presentation, shop, solutions, graphics.
Wireless Solutions: Providing full IT and Business services, encompassing web site design and business application development, integrated with full business and marketing strategies for any size company.
Customer Support Solutions: Michigan, web design, designs, real estate, michiana, software development, business applications, kalamazoo, portage, USA, internet marketing, ecommerce, grand rapids, south bend, Chicago, Detroit, affordable, Elkhart, wireless, ebic, online marketing, multimedia, flash, animation, corporate web site development, wireless solutions, consulting, advice, consultant, Indiana, crm, hrs, analysis, store, search engine, customer support solutions, application, free, intranet development, customer relationship management, e-commerce, business services, web Site enhancement, web site promotion, our clients, 3D models, architecture, cd catalogs presentation, shop, solutions, graphics.
Web Site Promotion: Providing full IT and Business services, encompassing web site design and business application development, integrated with full business and marketing strategies for any size company.
Web Site Enhancement: Michigan, web design, designs, real estate, michiana, software development, business applications, kalamazoo, portage, USA, internet marketing, ecommerce, grand rapids, south bend, Chicago, Detroit, affordable, Elkhart, wireless, ebic, online marketing, multimedia, flash, animation, corporate web site development, wireless solutions, consulting, advice, consultant, Indiana, crm, hrs, analysis, store, search engine, customer support solutions, application, free, intranet development, customer relationship management, e-commerce, business services, web Site enhancement, web site promotion, our clients, 3D models, architecture, cd catalogs presentation, shop, solutions, graphics.
Our Clients: Providing full IT and Business services, encompassing web site design and business application development, integrated with full business and marketing strategies for any size company.
Main Menu: Michigan, web design, designs, real estate, michiana, software development, business applications, kalamazoo, portage, USA, internet marketing, ecommerce, grand rapids, south bend, Chicago, Detroit, affordable, Elkhart, wireless, ebic, online marketing, multimedia, flash, animation, corporate web site development, wireless solutions, consulting, advice, consultant, Indiana, crm, hrs, analysis, store, search engine, customer support solutions, application, free, intranet development, customer relationship management, e-commerce, business services, web Site enhancement, web site promotion, our clients, 3D models, architecture, cd catalogs presentation, shop, solutions, graphics.




If you are having trouble sending or receiving mail, you may need to modify your settings. Remember when you type your Email username and password, the mail server names, and email address, use all lowercase letters. CAPITAL LETTERS can confuse your email program and cause problems. To change or check your settings, follow the directions for your browser.

  1. Netscape Communicator
  2. 1.

    From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.


    Click the + (Windows) or triangle Macintosh next to Mail and Groups.


    Select Identity under Mail and Groups.


    Enter the following:


  3. Your Name: Enter your full name as you would like it to appear on your email messages.
  4. Your Email: . Replace username with your real domainname.
  5. Return Address: This is optional. If you want your recipients' replies to go to another email address, type it here. If you don't enter anything here, replies will go to your email address.
    1. Organization: This is optional. Type in the name of your business or group. This will be placed on all messages you send to newsgroups.
    2. Signature File: Click Choose to add a signature file to all of your email messages.

    5. Select Mail Server under Mail and Groups.

    6. Enter the following, all in lowercase:

  1. Mail server user name: Enter your E-mail username.
  2. Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server: your current Internet connection out going mail server “connect your ISP technical support.
  3. Incoming Mail Server:
  4. Mail Server type: Click the button next to POP3.
  5. 7.

    Press OK to save your changes.



  6. Internet Explorer for Windows
  7. 1.

    From the Go menu, select Email. This launches Outlook Express, Internet Explorer's default email program.



    Click the Tools menu and select Accounts.



    Click the Mail tab to bring it to the front. This displays a window containing your Internet accounts.


    To modify your existing account, click its name and press the Properties button. To add your account, click New and choose Mail from the pop-up window.


    To rename an old account or set up a new one, type a name for it in the Mail Account field.


    Enter the following in the User Information area:

  8. Name: Enter your full name as you would like it to appear on your email messages.
  9. Organization: This is optional. Type in the name of your business or group. This will be placed on all messages you send to newsgroups.
  10. E-Mail Address: Replace username with your real username.
  11. Reply Address: If you want your recipients' replies to go to another email address, type it here. If you don't enter anything here, replies will go to your email address.
  12. 7.

    Click the Servers tab.





    Enter the following, all in lowercase:

  13. Outgoing Mail (SMTP): your current Internet connection out going mail server “connect your ISP technical support.
  14. Incoming Mail (POP3):




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All graphic works and information contained in this site is the sole property of United Export LTD. All the above information is given to our best knowledge but will not engage liability in any possible way. Our technical dept. is available to help solve any problems or queries that you may have.